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Safety Meet the Real Bob the Builder

Starting a new job can always be scary, regardless of the field or industry. You’re in an unfamiliar environment, tasked to do things you have never done before, with entirely new people. You’re uncomfortable until you meet that one person who makes you feel more relaxed and comfortable. In HouseWorks twenty-two year history, every employee has shared a familiar friend, Bob. Bob Severino has worked with HouseWorks since the very beginning holding the distinction of being our very first employee! 

Bob’s formal title is the director of safety and falls prevention, where he has the opportunity to make someone’s home a safer place to live. But around the office, and throughout the building, Bob is known as “the donut guy.” Bob has been faithfully bringing in donuts once a week for the last twenty-two years! When asked what his reasoning was for bringing in the tasty treats, the answer is simple. To make others happy! When Bob began bringing in donuts, he quickly realized the impact it was having on his friends at HouseWorks. People were so grateful, thanking Bob and telling him, “this made my day.” 

Making people happy is what keeps Bob motivated, whether its a simple, delicious donut or transforming a hazardous environment into a home. With over twenty-two years of experience directing Home Modification, Bob has seen it all- overseeing home adaptation, heavy cleaning, and even bed bugs. Bob does a lot for HouseWorks, but he says the best part about his job is helping people remain independent at home.

When asked the question, “what’s your favorite HouseWorks moment?” Bob answered, well, I have a lot of moments. My favorite thing about working at HouseWorks is helping customers who don’t think they need help but really do. A lot of times, clients tend to be in denial, and they don’t think they need or want our help, then they realize that even the smallest changes make a huge difference. Over the years, I have gotten many grateful calls from our most skeptical clients.  

Bob is not your average co-worker! He always goes the extra mile to make people feel appreciated. Years ago, when Bob found out about a new, truly excellent donut shop. Although over forty minutes out of his way, he didn’t hesitate to check it out to make everyone happy and full! To learn more about our safety and falls prevention services check out our website to see all the essential work HouseWorks does!