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Caregiving • Safety In Home Care Tips: Creating a Safer Home for Your Aging Loved Ones

Do you have a senior loved one living at home alone? While it is wonderful they are able to age right in the comfort of their own home, it’s important that your senior remains as safe as possible in their own home. Even though they are familiar with their surroundings, your senior could still encounter an accident. There are several steps you can take to ensure your senior is living safely. Read on below through our tips to get started!

Take a Walkthrough

Your first step is to pay close attention during a thorough walkthrough of your senior’s home. Take notice of how their furniture is arranged and make sure they have clear pathways to move around. Are their paths free of clutter? Be sure there is nothing on the floor, like a loose cord or poorly placed rug, that could make mobility difficult.

Update the Home

After your walkthrough of the home, make any necessary updates for safety. This will often include installing handrails throughout the home but particularly in the bathroom near the toilet and shower for extra stability. To reduce the risk of a fall, use non-slip wax for any areas in the home that are un-carpeted. You can also swap out regular mats and rugs with ones that are rubber-backed and anti-slip.

Stay Connected with Your Senior

If your senior is alone in their home for long durations, then you are going to want to stay in good connection with them. This means checking in on them often with a phone call or video chat to make sure they are without incident. You may even want to install a security camera in the home if you are concerned about their safety.

Bring in Professional Help

For additional help and greater peace of mind, consider bringing in professional help. A trained and qualified caregiver is a great option to ensure your senior’s safety at home. Caregivers can help with personal care, companionship, and everyday tasks like transportation, meal preparation, housekeeping, and more.

Need more advice on keeping your senior safe? HouseWorks is here to help you learn more about our in-home care services. Please reach out to one of our CareTeam members today to schedule your consultation.